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Nutrition is a vital yet neglected answer to many of the diseases that affect us all. Extensive medical research gives us good scientific basis to the understanding of just how effective nutrition can be in dealing with a whole host of health conditions.

Here at The Brisbane Clinic of Nutritional Medicine our aim is to help you take charge of your health with nutrition. Nutritionist, PEGGY LIM will develop a program, unique and specific for you - using the best that nutritional science has to offer:

Ms. Lim will assess and identify your health needs through a systems approach, utilising specific nutritional tests.

  • Allergies/food intolerances can be identified and dealt with where present.
  • Your needs are prioritised and a nutrition program formulated to target areas of greatest concern. Naturally, the approach is holistic.
  • Every program designed is tailor made: from the therapeutic dietary plan to the vitamin supplement protocol. Each nutrient is chosen judiciously to power your metabolic needs, these include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, accessory factors, using the latest and best of scientifically proven nutrient formulation
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